Open Systems is a research-based book that presents over 100 self-organized Art initiatives in Russia, exploring the phenomenon in various forms through the perspectives of artists who have pioneered projects over the past 20 years.
Services Book Design
Publisher Garage Museum of Contemporary Art
Compiling editor Antonina Trubitsina
Managing editor Olga Dubitskaya
Editor Alexander Izvekov
Proofreader Alexandra Demchenko
Publishing management Anya Kiyashchenko
Pre-press Vladimir Semenkov
Print management Bureau Mayak (Agata Chachko, Anastasiya Doktorova)
Typefaces CoFo Sans, CoFo Robert
Year 2020
Awards Communication Arts Typography 2022. Award of Excellence
STA100 2021. The Society of Typographic Arts, Chicago
AIGA 50 Books | 50 Covers 2020. Book winner